ID 650005
Game Rust
Server name RusTuga [PvP+PvE] Low Decay | Unique Mods PT/EU
Mod Rust
Map Wipe in: 20d 15h
Players 2/100
Bots 0
VAC True
Password False
Refresh 2 minutes ago
Tags legit
Rule key Value
build 116504.0
description_00 RusTuga® Original!\nPvP | PvE | RPG\n\nFeatures:\n\n•Vanilla with unique and exclusive features, des
description_01 igned to provide a personalized experience that feels like part of the original game. Want to know
description_02 more?\nJoin our Discord to explore all the details and never miss out on the amazing features we ha
description_03 ve to offer!\n\n•After a wipe, players can choose between PvP or PvE when they join.\n\n•PvE Players
description_04 : Protected from other players, while facing NPCs and other game challenges.\n\n•PvP Players: Play t
description_05 he original game mode against each other, but cannot attack, steal, or destroy the builds of PvE pla
description_06 yers, ensuring PvE spaces are respected.\n\n•Full flexibility for all players to play in the same se
description_07 rver, in the same space, respecting each player’s game mode choice.\n\nCheck out our other servers:\
description_08 n\n•RusTuga 100% Vanilla PT/EU – The true Vanilla experience.\n\n•RusTuga Wild West PT/EU – Wild Wes
description_09 t adventure!\n\n•RusTuga PvP Battlefield x1000000 PT/EU – Extreme PvP with a Battlefield twist!\n\n•
description_10 RusTuga Medieval PT/EU – Primitive adventure!\n\nOriginally founded in 2016, fully restructured and
description_11 taken over in 2020, evolving ever since.