ID 67135
Game Rust
Server name PVE | 5x/15x | Raid Bases | Vendors | PVP-Events
Mod Rust
Map Custom Map
Players 6/69
Bots 0
VAC True
Password False
Refresh 15 minutes ago
Tags legit
Rule key Value
build 117366.0
description_00 Main Features:\n- 5x Day Gather Rate\n- 15x Night Gather Rate\n- PVE / PVP Raidbases\n- Custom NPC s
description_01 hops\n\nWipes:\n- Every month (one week after force wipe)\n- PVP event before wipe (one weekend)\n\n
description_02 PVE Rules:\n- No Griefing\n- Be respectful to other players\n- No hatespeech, no Nazi symbolism\n- N
description_03 o blocking off monuments\n- A single base may not take up more than a single square on the map\n- No
description_04 trapping players\n\nFeatures\n\nCombat:\n- NPC Bosses & other Bots\n- Call Heli for RP\n- Respawn B
description_05 radley for RP\n- Teleport to last death location\n- Loot protection\n\nReward Points (RP):\n- Buy ve
description_06 hicle licenses\n- Seasonal decorations\n- Kits\n\nBases & Building:\n- Buy and build pumpjacks and q
description_07 uarries\n- Craft a personal recycler for your base\n- Building Grades, auto upgrade what you build\n
description_08 - Upgrade whole building\n- Homes & Teleportation\n- Load an image from the web onto a sign\n- Autho
description_09 rise turrets & SAM when authorising TC\n- Remover Tool\n- Toggle automatic doors\n\nCrafting & Inven
description_10 tory:\n- Apply skins to items\n- Backpack: 7 rows of space, drops on death\n- Instant craft & resear
description_11 ch\n- Craft Multiplier, queue more stacks at once\n- Sorting tools & Large stacks\n- Furn