ID 67186
Game Rust
Server name [EU/GER] RustCore |5X/Loot+/BP+/Kits/Shop/MyMini/Home/Clans/Ski
Mod Rust
Map Procedural Map
Players 21/120
Bots 0
VAC True
Password False
Refresh 1 day ago
Tags legit
Player's name Score Duration
[GP]Karl 0 13 hours
Rust4Björn 0 13 hours
GoodOldZeiko 0 12 hours
Cr4Zed Cat 0 7 hours
igen 0 6 hours
eugene 0 5 hours
Schleiml 0 5 hours
degamer555 0 5 hours
Pikasso24 0 4 hours
Liquid[NaNox] 0 3 hours
KlasseKai 0 3 hours
BorieSmoker 0 3 hours
Milf n Cookies 0 2 hours
7awltrou 0 2 hours
Hydratedbunny 0 2 hours
BigSmoke 0 2 hours
ThierryLaFronde 0 2 hours
Nounours Lightyear 0 1 hour
JaffaMan560 0 1 hour
osama 0 51 minutes
ice 0 34 minutes
Rule key Value
build 114035.0
description_00 >-» Modded Server - only offical forced Wipe «-< \n \n» :A short overview: « \n- Map size: 4250 with
description_01 all monuments / PVP server \n- Decay is set to 50% / No raid time limits \n- Tier 1-2 BPs unlocked
description_02 / Gather 5x – sulfur gain reduced \n- New loot tables made with AlphaLoot / Ingame info \n- Ingame e
description_03 vents: Convoy, RaidBases, Airfield, Cargo, etc \n- All plugins useable by everyone without restricti
description_04 ons \n- 24 hour raid protection after wipe / Scrap raid protection \n- Many QoL plugins and features
description_05 like AutoLoot, AutoUpgrade, etc \n- Plugins for performance like AutoPurge and SpawnControl \n- Lan
description_06 guage in chat is english and german / Discord available \n- Monthly poll ingame and on discord for n
description_07 ext team size (4,6,8) \n- Server online since november 2021 / Dedicated server \n- Server is managed
description_08 by one person to avoid disputes \n- More informations can be found ingame and or on discord \n» Dis
description_09 cord: « \n \n» :List of plugins you can use ingame fia commands: « \n- A
description_10 utoDoors / TeleportSystem / MyMini / Trade / InfoPanel \n- SimpleSort / DeathMessages / ClansReborn
description_11 / Remove \n- SignArtist / HitMarker / Kits / DayVote / SkinBox / BackPack \n- A