ID 67260
Game Rust
Server name [EU] PVE Land |Better NPC|NPC Raidable Bases|LOTS OF EVENTS
Mod Rust
Map Procedural Map
Players 19/70
Bots 0
VAC True
Password False
Refresh 26 minutes ago
Tags legit
Player's name Score Duration
bonny 0 14 hours
nilda 0 14 hours
hsiu 0 14 hours
mindi 0 14 hours
zena 0 14 hours
jada 0 14 hours
tillie 0 14 hours
gabriella 0 13 hours
angelica 0 13 hours
ozie 0 12 hours
nathan 0 12 hours
dreama 0 12 hours
debroah 0 11 hours
delsie 0 7 hours
christa 0 4 hours
melony 0 3 hours
sasha 0 1 hour
britney 0 1 hour
christene 0 15 minutes
Rule key Value
fps 53.0
gmn rust
gmt Survival
hash 3cf43cb
build 116504.0
gc_cl 559.0
gc_mb 5271.0
ent_cnt 172248.0
fps_avg 51.28
description_00 True PVE + Better NPC\nNPC Raidable Bases (PVE/PVP zones)\nAvailable now: Battlepass! Type /bp to fi
description_01 nd out more!\nAI helper on discord & In-game!\nAbandoned bases for raiding\nMonthly BP WIPE with sav
description_02 ing XP and Skills\nMonthly XP WIPE with saving BPs\nBiWeekly MAP wipe\nSkillTree + ItemPerks\nPocket
description_03 Dimensions!!! (From TARDIS with love)\nDeployable Nature, Crafteble custom portals\nBus stops = tel
description_04 eport network!\n EVENTS: Sputnik, Convoy, Harbor, Armored Train, AirEvent, WaterEvent,\nSatDish Even
description_05 t, Power Plant Event, Junk Yard Event,\n!!!Space Station Event!!!\n!!!Arctic Base Event!!!\nWater ba
description_06 ses + water bikes.\nDuels + Safe Survival Arena (Hunger games)\nReferral rewards\nPlayTime rewards\n
description_07 Thief Protection\nWorking guntraps\nLocks for transport*\n * Authentication via Discord required\nNo
description_08 one can loot your body\nBullying newbies is prohibited! BAN!\nDon't be toxic and do not steal from
description_09 occupied monument - BAN!\nJoin Discord to see all avilable server commands!