ID 67267
Game Rust
Server name Emberflow Dragons 3x|PvE|Jetpack|Skills|RaidBases|Helis|Kits
Mod Rust
Map Atlanta: The Walking Dead!
Players 7/25
Bots 0
VAC True
Password False
Refresh 2 minutes ago
Tags legit
Rule key Value
fps 31.0
build 117366.0
gc_cl 379.0
gc_mb 3937.0
ent_cnt 144086.0
fps_avg 25.7
description_00 Welcome to Emberflow! Here Be Dragons! 3x | PvE\n\n - Skilltree\n - Quests\n - Bi-Weekly wipes\n - A
description_01 ctive, friendly and helpful owners, staff and community\n 10000 Free Emberflow Ingots [our in game c
description_02 urrency] on joining!\n - Auto-Auth for Clans/Teams\n - Base-wide workbenches\n - Teleports: tpr, tpa
description_03 , tpb, home, outpost, bandit and town\n - Skinbox - Create outfits and skin your base with ease\n -
description_04 Raid bases - over 80 designs, with more on the way\n - BetterTC - Upgrade and reskin your base from
description_05 your TC\n - Kits - Starter kits as well as discord and Nitro Kits\n - Personal vehicles with /mv\n -
description_06 Earn currency by selling to the server\n - Custom Bradleys, Helis, Bots and items\n - Hardy planter
description_07 s with Eternal plants\n\nOver 100 Wallpapers for your base through the TC!\n\n\nJoin our Discord for
description_08 support, community fun, and a free kit every wipe-plus a bonus for Nitro Boosters Our dedicated own
description_09 ers are here to help with an active ticket system.\n\nCheck out our website for all the details. Wel
description_10 come to your new adventure