ID 67395
Game Rust
Mod Rust
Map Custom Map
Players 1/80
Bots 0
VAC True
Password False
Refresh 14 minutes ago
Tags legit
Rule key Value
build 116504.0
description_00 Running RIVERA BY SHEMOV (Edited by CashDK)\n\nPlugins default:\nSimpleFurnace, Skinner with skin re
description_01 quest, Blueprint Share, QuickSort, AutoFarm, PooVacuum, GanJa and Geodes.\nMini Copter, Storage and
description_02 light, Remove unlimted with Hammer, Building Skins.\nSkill Tree, 81 unique buff types, gain x2 in co
description_03 llecting and harvesting.\nCoooking, cooking system in rust by adding a number of ingredients and adv
description_04 anced recipes to the game.\nVehicle Deployed Locks, Stacks x3\nWater Bases, allows to build structur
description_05 es on the surface of the Water.\nBuy Electricity, draw electricity straight from the generator bough
description_06 t in outpost.\nIndustrial addon.\n\nQuest shop at Outpost.\n\nBuyable Events/plugins with Scrap:\nJe
description_07 tPack, ParaPlane, ZipLine and Backpack.\n\nEvents on server:\nJet Event\nJunkyard Event\nTrainHeist\
description_08 nCaravan\nParatroopers\nPlaneCrash Event\nAirfield Event\nHarbor Event\nSupermarket Event\nArmored T
description_09 rain Event\nHeli Refuel Event\nTriangulation Event\nConvoy Event\nSat Dish Event\nShipwreck Event\nD
description_10 ome Event\nCargo Train Event\nPilot Eject Event\nSputnik\nFerry Terminal Event\nHeavy Cargoship Even
description_11 t\nPower Plant Event\nGas Station Event\nArtic Base Event\nAir Event\nAirfield Drop\nDrop