ID 67400
Game Rust
Server name [EU]Luuxens *PVE&RP* Town|Drugs|Quests|Tiers|Roles|RaidBases|Fi
Mod Rust
Map Procedural Map
Players 1/50
Bots 0
VAC True
Password False
Refresh 4 minutes ago
Rule key Value
build 107591.0
description_00 ✯ Welcome to Luuxens PVE Server ✯\n\n☮ A friendly place with good people to relax with! ☮\n☠ Toxic b
description_01 ehaviors is NOT tolerated! ☠\n☞ MAX PING ALLOWED 300! ☜\n\n✯ Join: ✯\n✯ O
description_02 ver 200+ plugins and more to come..\n↙↙↙↙ Press the View webpage button to join discord!\n\n\n\n✯ Pr
description_03 emium Mods ✦ Custom Maps ✦ Rust Edit ✦ Active Admins\n\n✯ PVE Raid Quests ✦ No-Decay ✦ No-Stability
description_04 ✦ No-Upkeep\n\n✯ Cooking ✦ Ganja ✦ Black Market ✦ Drugs ✦ TelePorts\n\n✯ Custom Items ✦ Server Votes
description_05 ✦ Personal Farm ✦ Professions\n\n✯ Player Ranks ✦ Backpackpages ✦ Server Rewards ✦ Quests\n\n✯ BOTS
description_06 ✦ Custom Fireworks ✦ Personal Kits ✦ Skinner & Skins\n\n✯ SteamGroup Rewards ✦ Discord Forums ✦ Rai
description_07 dable Bases\n\n✯ Building Hammer ✦ BiPlanes ✦ Jetpacks ✦ Vehicles ✦ Portals\n\n✯ Armored Trains ✦ Ca
description_08 ravans & Convoys ✦ Town Houses ✦ BetterChat\n\n✯ EndLess CargoShips ✦ Bradley & Heli Tiers ✦ NPC Rai
description_09 ds\n\n✯ Sputniks ✦ Cosmonauts ✦ ScrapLeaderBoard ✦ Player LeaderBoards\n\n✯ Custom Vehicle Modules ✦
description_10 PogoSticks ✦ Custom Skins\n\n✯ Abandon Bases 7days ✦ Everyone is VIP! ✦ Hi