ID 67472
Game Rust
Server name A-42 | Heli/Minicopter Training
Mod Rust
Map Custom Map
Players 30/164
Bots 0
VAC True
Password False
Refresh 2 minutes ago
Tags legit
Rule key Value
build 114035.0
description_00 Welcome Pilot!\n \n We provide you the best EU Training Server in Rust for ALL Helicopters\n\n ★ QUI
description_01 CK GUIDE ★\n 1. Spawn Vehicles (use the hammers to spawn vehicles)\n - [Left Click] to Spawn Vehic
description_02 les\n - [Middle Mouse Button] to Despawn Vehicles\n - [Right Click] opens a Menu\n 2. Repair\n
description_03 - Press [R] to repair your Vehicle\n 3. Checkpoints (useable while flying)\n - [Shift + Right Cli
description_04 ck] will create a Checkpoint\n - [Shift + Left Click] will teleport you to Checkpoint\n 4. Race Tr
description_05 acks (play time attack against the best pilots)\n - [Middle Mouse Button] will open the Menu with
description_06 all Race Tracks\n - [/leave] to leave the Race\n \n \n ★ CONTENT ★\n - 10x EASY Race Tracks\n
description_07 - 10x MEDIUM Race Tracks\n - 10x HARD Race Tracks\n - +5 Special Race Tracks with stunning Custo
description_08 m Environments\n - 3 Ramps for Tricks [Easy/Medium/Hard]\n - Huge Optimized Procedual Island to
description_09 practise flying for Vanilla Maps\n - Pickup Economy (Fly around and pickup Gifts & buy Stuff)\n
description_10 - Boosters on the Map to gain Speed or Height\n \n ... join our Discord Server via VIEW WEBPAGE Butt
description_11 on or visit