ID 682256
Game Rust
Server name EU/UK Rust Life | 50% Upkeep | MAX 4 | Noob Friendly
Mod Rust
Map Procedural Map
Players 1/120
Bots 0
VAC True
Password False
Refresh 5 days ago
Player's name Score Duration
jennie 0 6 hours
Rule key Value
fps 178.0
build 115870.0
ent_cnt 92290.0
fps_avg 186.0
description_00 (Click 'VIEW WEBPAGE for link')\nVanilla server\nThis is a 'noob frien
description_01 dly' server so while we offer the full Rust experience of PVP, raiding, etc. We ask experienced play
description_02 ers help out the newer players and follow server etiquette. ALL players welcome. This is not a 'noob
description_03 s only' server.\n\nServer Etiquette:\n- Don't raid new players when they're mid building their first
description_04 base out of twig\n- Don't camp the beaches to kill new players when you're geared\n- If you raid a
description_05 base, don't leave it in an unfixable state\n (i.e if you add your own locked doors, remove them wh
description_06 en youre done)\n- If you raid a base, don't just despawn the stuff you don't want out of spite\n- If
description_07 you notice a noob something silly (i.e soft side walls, leaving doors unlocked accidentally), be ni
description_08 ce and point it out to them\n\nWipes will be dependent on player preferences when population is low\
description_09 n\nSTRICT Rules:\n- Be nice in chat\n- No cheating, scripting or glitching\n- No exploring in groups
description_10 more than 4 (being friendly is OK but split yourself up and stay away from each other)\n\n