ID 69251
Game Rust
Server name [EU] C-Rust | PvE/PvP | Low Upkeep | Monthly | More Nodes
Mod Rust
Map Procedural Map
Players 5/120
Bots 0
VAC True
Password False
Refresh 2 minutes ago
Tags legit
Player's name Score Duration
iliana 0 6 hours
dimple 0 2 hours
althea 0 2 hours
steven 0 1 hour
machelle 0 39 minutes
Rule key Value
fps 48.0
gmn rust
gmt Survival
hash c25c8de5
build 117366.0
gc_cl 212.0
gc_mb 3965.0
ent_cnt 142469.0
fps_avg 44.63
headerimage https://www.dropb
description_00 Welcome to C-Rust, short for 'Chill Rust'.\nWe have the friendliest Rust community to date!\n\nOn th
description_01 is server you can choose whether you want to play PvE or PvP. Restrictions apply based on the factio
description_02 n you pick. Check our Discord for more information!\n\nFor PvE: No raiding, no stealing from other p
description_03 layers, no killing (except for Oil Rigs, Launch Site, Sulfur Quarry and Giant Excavator).\n\nServer
description_04 info:\n- Vanilla style;\n- Monthly wipe;\n- Increased node spawns;\n- 50% upkeep;\n- All vehicles (a
description_05 nd horses) can be locked;\n- Minicopters decay as fast outside as they do inside;\n- Horses decay ha
description_06 lf as fast as usual;\n- No blueprint wipe;\n\nOur amazing VIP+ Package (Free trial on the website!):
description_07 \n- Skinbox for your items;\n- All DLC building skins;\n- Sort button for your loot chests;\n- Autom
description_08 ated doors;\n- Basewide workbench;\n- Vehicle Decay Protection;\n- Instant barrel collection;\n- Col
description_09 ored name in-game, set by you;\n- Visible VIP+ role in-game and in Discord;