ID 69717
Game Rust
Server name Phoenix Gaming - EU/DK 2x PvE Monthly
Mod Rust
Map Procedural Map
Players 2/50
Bots 0
VAC True
Password False
Refresh 37 seconds ago
Rule key Value
build 109268.0
ent_cnt 100133.0
description_00 Welcome to Phoenix Gaming - Nordic's Largest Rust Community!\n\nMonthly map Wipe at 20:00 CEST.\nBP
description_01 Wipe every 6 months. Jan/July.\n\nCheck out our Website PhoenixGaming.NET\n\n-2x Gathering\n-Short N
description_02 ights & Long days\n-PVP/Raid Blocking\n-Skill Tree\n-SkillTree XP Event\n-75% less upkeep cost\n-Rai
description_03 dable Bases\n-Abandoned Bases 10 days\n-TP\n-AutoFarm\n-Water Event\n-Air Event\n-Airfield Event\n-C
description_04 argo Plane Crash\n-Boss Monster\n-ZombieHorde\n-Bradley Guards\n-Guarded Crate\n-RP Server\n-Water P
description_05 atrol\n-Water Bases /kit\n-Personal NPC - Can fly heli\n-NO GROUP LIMIT\n-NPC Raiders\n-Locked crate
description_06 events\n-Lock your heli\n-Furnace Splitter\n-Junk items removed from loot\n-StackSize 2x\n-Earn RP
description_07 points for your activity on the server\n-Backpacks in Shop\n-Grid Power\n-/remove\n-Test Generator\n
description_08 -Bgrade\n-Heli Vote\n-Craftingspeed 2x - Smeltspeed 2x - Recyclerspeed 2x\n-Clans REBORN\n-Change ba
description_09 se skin via TC\n\nNon playing active Admins + Strong Anti-Cheat\nOver 4 years experience in Rust ser
description_10 vers\nJoin our Discord server and see more about the server and the community\nPress the view Web Pa
description_11 ge button