ID 69788
Game Rust
Mod Rust
Map Earth Apocalypse Map
Players 23/80
Bots 0
VAC True
Password False
Refresh 4 days ago
Tags legit
Player's name Score Duration
carmela 0 9 hours
coleman 0 8 hours
miss 0 4 hours
barb 0 2 hours
teddy 0 2 hours
birgit 0 2 hours
jaimie 0 2 hours
kathie 0 2 hours
drusilla 0 1 hour
lucas 0 1 hour
alta 0 1 hour
minerva 0 1 hour
emogene 0 1 hour
shae 0 1 hour
stepanie 0 55 minutes
soledad 0 51 minutes
matilda 0 49 minutes
geralyn 0 49 minutes
kenya 0 45 minutes
iva 0 32 minutes
mitzie 0 32 minutes
lesha 0 22 minutes
hortensia 0 18 minutes
Rule key Value
build 115956.0
description_00 [EU] SLAYERS.GG 100x PVE | The #1 PVE Rust Experience! \n\nVIP: | |
description_01 Wipe: Monthly Thur 2pm est\n\nFeatures: \n✵ FREE SKIN, BGRADE, REMOVER TOOL, MINI, PLANES and Roamin
description_02 g Zombies! \n✵ FLY PLANES! Starwars Plane, UFOS, Batbike, MadMax, Semitruck! \n✵ Skins, Heli, Kits,
description_03 TP, Homes, Shop, Cooking and Weed Plugin \n✵ Buy Raidable Bases with /Buyraid \n✵ Convoy, Armored Tr
description_04 ain, Military and Airfield Events \n✵ Paintball Arena, Survival Arena and Dueling Arena Events \n✵ X
description_05 P and Job Level System with Specs, Skills and Talents \n✵ RP Buyable Patrol Helicopter and Bradley \
description_06 n✵ Buildable Custom Monuments \n✵ Purge Day is Final 24 Hours of Wipe! \n✵ Bases/Players removed aft
description_07 er 3 days of Inactivity \n✵ You/Teammate must Logon once every 3 days to keep your base \n✵ Join the
description_08 FUN! \n\nServer rules: \n1.) No Hacking, glitching, or exploiting. \n2.) Respect Staff. \n3.) No fo
description_09 undation or item spam. \n4.) No Slurs, racism, hate speech or toxicity. \n5.) 8 Man Clan Limit. \n6.
description_10 ) Do not call out Hackers in Global Chat, report them with F7 Report and Discord Ticket. \n7.) NO TC
description_11 Griefing Players Bases, Bannable Offense. \n8.) No Griefing, T