ID 70014
Game Rust
Server name [EU] RustInferno 2X|PVE|Skills|Zombies|SHARED BP|Monthly
Mod Rust
Map Custom Map
Players 1/50
Bots 0
VAC True
Password False
Refresh 33 minutes ago
Player's name Score Duration
laree 0 28 minutes
Rule key Value
build 109665.0
description_00 WIPE: Every first Thursday of the month at 20 UTC +1 \nMonthly BPs WIPE \nOn the last day of WIPE th
description_01 e server goes PVP\n\n°Clan/Team limits: No limits\n°BEDS: from 20 to 80 deployable beds\n°Turrets Li
description_02 mits: from 40 to 100\n\n°Night length: 10 minutes\n°PVE\n°Team\Clan SHARED BPs\n°Zombies\n°You can r
description_03 aid NPCs\n°Skills Tree\n°Skill level - Zlevels Remastered\n°Raidable Abandoned Bases\n°Water Base\n°
description_04 Building skin\n°Ability to enable or disable friendly fire between team members\n°2x gather rates on
description_05 everything\n°Building materials have an increased stack\n°Increased the stack size\n°Increase backp
description_06 ack size - Backpacks\n°Improved and more frequent airdrop\n°Clan skin and SkinBox\n°Ability to chang
description_07 e the color of your username\n°Kit\n\n°Locks can be placed on vehicles\n°Enable disable the crosshai
description_08 r\n°Vehicles spawn around the map\n°Quick sorting in containers or for quick loot - Quick Sort\n°Imp
description_09 roved loot\n°Recycler speed 2X\n°Faster and better AirDrops\n°Reduced the hacking time\n°Ability to
description_10 change skins\n°Automated events\n°Level up the base with one command\n°Repair all base with hammer\n
description_11 °Custom events\n°Improved the durability of items, su