ID 70054
Game Rust
Server name ![PVE] WARNING! There Are Zombies
Mod Rust
Map Procedural Map
Players 16/50
Bots 0
VAC True
Password False
Refresh 5 days ago
Tags legit
Player's name Score Duration
jin 0 3 hours
shalanda 0 2 hours
jamey 0 58 minutes
romana 0 55 minutes
michel 0 55 minutes
patty 0 55 minutes
georgeann 0 55 minutes
isabella 0 55 minutes
karissa 0 54 minutes
reyes 0 54 minutes
khalilah 0 54 minutes
walter 0 42 minutes
miguel 0 41 minutes
juliet 0 39 minutes
verdell 0 16 minutes
chi 0 5 minutes
Rule key Value
build 115870.0
description_00 WARNING! There Are Zombies \nA heavily modded fun but not easy RPG survival version of Rust. (server
description_01 npc count ~ 2k)\n\nRaidable NPC Bases, \nCustom Undead NPC's (Zombies, Wights, Shades of Doom, Bone
description_02 Wights, Revenants of Doom, Zombie Lords, Zombie Rabbits, Zombie Rats, Lich, Vampire Nuns, Zombie Co
description_03 ws, Werewolves, Undead Centurions and more), \nKilling Spree Drops and Spawns no limit!, \nDifferent
description_04 Level Guarded Crates, \nBradley Guards,\nBecome a Mage,\nThunderPoons!\nPlayer Challenges Reconfigu
description_05 red and Extended for PVE Stats.\nRare Magic Items.\nMulti-Kills-Killer-Chickens and Stags.\nEconomy
description_06 - Sell your farmed produce for RP - supply and demand type system (sell prices updated every~4hours)
description_07 .\nRPG system ZLevelsRemastered including crafting up to instant craft.\n\nPlus a lot of additional
description_08 quality of life improvements.\nHome x 2, Teleportation, Large Backpacks, Trade\n\nRandom Skins or th
description_09 e ones you own. (toggle with /rs) /reskinme /deskinbox /reskinbox \n\nServer Reward system, unlock M
description_10 ANY perks with RP and become a god of the undead slayers.\n\nAuto Pickup\nExtra clip size/durability
description_11 on guns.\nExtra Health\nRecycler and much more