ID 70213
Game Rust
Server name Rustyfarians PVE 2x - New Host |Skins|Kits|TP|Custom Plugins
Mod Rust
Map Helheim Island (by Keirox)
Players 2/50
Bots 0
VAC True
Password False
Refresh 4 days ago
Tags legit
Player's name Score Duration
Gregori 0 2 hours
verohka 0 2 hours
Rule key Value
build 115956.0
description_00 ~ WELCOME TO RUSTYFARIANS PVE ~ \n\n Custom map Helheim Island by Keirox\n- Friendly PvE Server Focu
description_01 sed On Community & Building & Helping Others, where players cannot hurt or raid each other \n- Proce
description_02 dural map \n- PvP Purge Event 1 Day Before Wipe \n- New player friendly \n- monthly wipe schedule ex
description_03 cept long months which are split 3-week, 2-week instead \n- DLC Kits \n- Custom Cargo train event \n
description_04 - Reduced Upkeep \n- Roaming Bradley APC \n- Work carts, Fruit machines and Poker \n- Raidable bases
description_05 4 difficulty levels \n- Attack Helicopter 3 level Difficulty \n- Helicopter protection, learn to fl
description_06 y minicopters without dying \n- Zombie Hordes \n- Startup Kits \n- Skins \n- Increased Stack Sizes \
description_07 n- Remover Tool \n- Teleport \n- Unburnable Meat \n- Extended Workbench \n- Furnace Splitter \n- Bac
description_08 kpacks \n- Quests \n- Player Leaderboard \n- Server Rewards Shop \n- Instant Craft \n- Personal Recy
description_09 clers \n- Private Quarries \n- Private Crops \n- Auto Upgrade \n- Faster Recycling Speed \n- Sign Ar
description_10 tist \n- Longer Days Shorter Nights & Much More \n- Buy commands with RP in the Server Reward Shop a
description_11 nd call in Attack Helicopter, Spawn Minicopters, Spawn RHIB Boats, Horses and more \n- Pl