ID 70523
Game Rust
Server name Valhalla Max 5 3x|1.5 Sulf |Loot+|No BP Wipes
Mod Rust
Map Procedural Map
Players 5/150
Bots 0
VAC True
Password False
Refresh 5 days ago
Tags legit
Player's name Score Duration
chrissy 0 3 hours
elli 0 3 hours
lynetta 0 3 hours
jonnie 0 2 hours
dorla 0 2 hours
Rule key Value
fps 118.0
gmn rust
gmt Survival
pve False
hash 6c31b9a3
build 115956.0
gc_cl 235.0
gc_mb 3666.0
world 4800.0
status stok
uptime 49445.0
ent_cnt 147053.0
fps_avg 103.47
ram_sys 0.0
headerimage 1.0
description_00 Welcome to Valhalla, a more chilled rust experience! Map wipes 1st Thursday of each month at 7pm GMT
description_01 72 hour raid protection post wipe Max Team size is 5 - No Truces or Alliances No Pay 2 Win, VIP is
description_02 Quality of Life only No BPs wipe 3X Gather and Components | 1.5x Sulfur | 2x Scrap 50% Upkeep No tur
description_03 ret limits Minis spawn on roads, Rhibs spawn on shores Plugin examples Custom events such as Convoy
description_04 | Armoured Train | Airfield Cargo Plane | Helipad etc Extended Workbench Range Sam Sites authoris
description_05 ation Craft Base Recycler (resources required) Large backpack for all players 3X Recycling Speed Ext
description_06 ra recyclers at Dome, Cargoship, Oil Rigs and Fishing Villages + more VIP Plugins AutoFarm | SkinBo
description_07 x | SoundBox | AutoFarm | EnhancedHammer | FarmTools | SortBox | SignArtist | Barrelstack | SkipQue
description_08 ue + more. Custom Server Protection Active admins Run on dedicated hardware to maximise server perf
description_09 ormance