ID 70692
Game Rust
Server name [DK][NORDIC]Fudge PvE|#1 Nordic|RP|RaidableBases|Convoy|Monthly
Mod Rust
Map Procedural Map
Players 14/60
Bots 0
VAC True
Password False
Refresh 11 minutes ago
Tags legit
Rule key Value
build 116504.0
description_00 Welcome to a Fudge Gaming server! Fudge PvE - The MOST popular PvE server in the North!\nRead server
description_01 rules under /info on page 2\nVisit our Beginner server 'Fudge Begynderserver' under the 'community'
description_02 tab\n\nFudge PvE is for you who want a Nordic server that has no PvP has and which has the North's
description_03 largest and best Rust community!\n\nWe have the following modifications on the server:\nHarbor Event
description_04 \nBossMonster\nAbandoned Bases which removes bases if people are offline for more than 10 days\n1/4
description_05 upkeep.\nXP system with perks .\nLarger stacks.\nZombie Event at night.\nRaid/PvP blocking.\nLock yo
description_06 ur mini heli, boat, horse ect.\nServer events spawns more often and can be looted instantly.\nLocked
description_07 Crate events.\nEarn Coins after every active hour on the server.\nIn-game /shop and /kit with: Pack
description_08 ages, Items, Gear kits, Bases and much more.\nPlant trees and bushes\nBackpack with up to 36 extra s
description_09 lots and other benefits, by playing actively on the server.\nBuy Coins in our webshop.\nDemolish tim
description_10 e 30m.\n/remove\n\nVIP gets the following:\n3 times more Coins per hour.\nFurnaceSplitter.\nSignArti
description_11 st.\nBoxSorter.\nSkinBox.\n48 slot Backpack.\n2x RecyclerSpeed.\nBypassQueue.\nQuickSmelt