ID 70932
Game Rust
Server name chill rust server with raidable base (T3) and Base Raiding NP
Mod Rust
Map Procedural Map
Players 0/100
Bots 0
VAC True
Password False
Refresh 2 hours ago
Rule key Value
fps 29.0
build 110006.0
ent_cnt 44856.0
description_00 There's basically no rules in Rust, but what would be some unwritten ones basically everyone knows?
description_01 Some that come to mind: * Kill first * * Treat every naked like they are crafting a weapon * *
description_02 There's always 1 more guy Check left and right every time you open your door for door campers Any
description_03 team that has even just 1 more player than yours, is a zerg Everyone hates roof campers If you try
description_04 to eoka someone in the back, it'll never go off 1st time and you'll die Someone can always play mo
description_05 re than you As soon as you've logged off, consider your base offlined and No VAC/Game bans. - No R
description_06 ussians/Belarusians. - No Russian language in general chat. People are free to speak whatever langu
description_07 age they like except russian. Don't be surprised if you get banned for being abusive. If you shot @
description_08 someone don`t be surprised that you lett all hell lose server.queryport 28027 rcon.web 1 r
description_09 con.ip rcon.port 28026 app.listenip app.port 28092 maxteamsize 8 ant
description_10 ihack.enabled true antihack.admincheat true chat.enabled true chat.serverlog true server.hostname RU
description_11 ST