ID 73154
Game Rust
Server name Noob Town - New Player & Solo Friendly
Mod Rust
Map Procedural Map
Players 4/50
Bots 0
VAC True
Password False
Refresh 5 days ago
Rule key Value
build 115870.0
description_00 Discord:\n\n1. No pvp, raiding or stealing for first 2 days after a wipe.
description_01 \n2. Max group 3 including allies and slaves.\n3. No Sniping of players or KOS anytime, anywhere. D
description_02 ont kill sleepers. No SAM sites.\n4. PvP AT (not just near) air/chinook drops, monuments, heli, brad
description_03 ley and during raids. Don't camp these looking for pvp. \n5. No trap bases. No private profiles, hou
description_04 rs playing rust must show. This is a learning server don't be too pvp aggressive. Only raid once per
description_05 real life 24 hr. period. Only raid bases at or above you own building skill level. Players over 700
description_06 hrs. are not allowed to raid.\n6. No griefing. No door, roof or spawn camping. No blocking players
description_07 in or out of their base or denying access in any way. Landmines, bear traps, shotgun traps and auto
description_08 turrets must be behind walls and locked doors, placed where players just going by won't be harmed. \
description_09 n7. Don't argue with the admins. \n\n-New map and BP wipe monthly. Also a mid month map wipe.\n-Be
description_10 respectful or others. No racial, sexual or other toxic chat.\n-This is a community server here to he
description_11 lp new players learn the game in a stress limited environment. When available admins wil