ID 756403
Game Rust
Server name Actual New Zealand | 8K Size | Low Upkeep | 2Min Nights
Mod Rust
Map Wipe in: 5d 18h
Players 9/100
Bots 0
VAC True
Password False
Refresh 24 seconds ago
Tags legit
Rule key Value
build 116504.0
description_00 Welcome to Actual New Zealand 8K, Running a map of New Zealand landmass at 8000 Size.\n- Hosted In N
description_01 ew Zealand\n- Discord:\n- 1/2 Decay\n- 30 Bag Limit\n- Backpacks\n- 1/
description_02 10 Upkeep\n- RaidableBases\n- 2Min Nights\n- Gamble Anything\n\nRules:\n#1 Extreme toxicness or Blat
description_03 ant Racism in global chat or PMs will result in a mute or ban depending on severity.\n#2 Do not spam
description_04 or advertise in global chat or PMs. This will result in a 24 hour mute\n#3 Hacking, scripting or ex
description_05 ploiting on our server will result in a Permanently ban depending on the severity. If you encounter
description_06 a glitch report it immediately.\n#4 Releasing of personal information (Includes images set as displa
description_07 y picture on Steam & Discord) of other players (doxxing) regardless of where you obtained this infor
description_08 mation. Depending on severity of what is released this can result in being permanently banned. If yo
description_09 u are lucky enough to not receive a permanent ban the first time, you will be permanently banned if
description_10 caught again.\n#5 Impersonating server or staff members will result in being banned, the duration of
description_11 this is dependant on the type of content and intent by the person. rs000000SSiH0S-r5002W