ID 809027
Game Rust
Server name Korrupt [PvE] Texas - Skills|Raidable Bases|Quests
Mod Rust
Map New Dawn
Players 0/50
Bots 0
VAC True
Password False
Refresh 3 minutes ago
Tags legit
Rule key Value
fps 47.0
gmn rust
gmt Sur
build 116504.0
gc_cl 282.0
gc_mb 3498.0
ent_cnt 82918.0
fps_avg 50.03
description_00 Welcome To Korrupt!!!\n\nWe Run a Huge Assortment of Premium Plugins, as well as In House Created Pl
description_01 ugins.\n\nMonthly Wipe Schedule & 3x Loot x Gathering.\n\nClick website for the Server Donation page
description_02 and look for the Discord link on its homepage. If you have any problems open a ticket in the Discor
description_03 d.\n\nUse /info to see a Panel with details on how to help you get started.\n\nServer Features\n\nDr
description_04 ugs\nViper Crafting\nParaplanes\nBounty Hunter\nZombies\nIn Game Shop\nFishing Hotspots\nGas Station
description_05 Event\nBradley x Heli Signals\nResource Rush\nHydraDarkNet\nEpic Loot\nSkill Tree\nQuests\nSemtex\n
description_06 Loot Crates\nGeodes\nBot Purge Event\nEradication Event\nMercenary Ranks\nVIP Packages\nRaidable Bas
description_07 es\nAbandoned Player Bases\nPlayer Driven Economy\nSkill Tree\nOutpost Resource Casino\nBlackjack\nC
description_08 ommunity Center\nTC Auto Base Upgrade\nTrade\nRemover Tool\nTeleportation\nRevive\nTaxi Drone\nAbsol
description_09 utSorter\nVehicle License\nBackpacks\nChestStacks\nKits\nMining Farms\nSkinBox\n\nAnd much more you
description_10 can check our Info tab and Discord for more details.