ID 86366
Game ARK: Survival Evolved
Server name Bøh
Mod Conan Exiles
Map The Exiled Lands
Players 0/20
Bots 0
VAC True
Password True
Refresh 1 day ago
Rule key Value
S0 false
S4 0.3
S7 0.0
S8 0.49
S9 666.0
Sa true
Sf 0.0
Sk 0.5
Sl 1.5
Su 0.0
Sy 0.0
Sz 1.0
se 0.0
CSF 0.0
S05 false
S15 0.0
S17 4:0 2424793128 1369802940 1386174080 2010870025
S18 true
S21 1.0
S22 1.0
S23 1.0
S24 1.0
S25 false
S30 0.0
S117 false
S119 false
S122 true
S124 0.0
S125 true
MapName The Exiled Lands
EXTERNAL_SERVER_UID e3f15bb4bd8ec29fade4007e5515dda0