ID 905401
Game Rust
Server name Rustocracy | Solo
Mod Rust
Map Custom Map
Players 0/100
Bots 0
VAC True
Password False
Refresh 2 days ago
Rule key Value
fps 59.0
build 109665.0
gc_cl 163.0
gc_mb 1862.0
ent_cnt 53261.0
fps_avg 59.08
description_00 [Map: Cacatua (by FireCrow)] \n- [Seasonal Events: none] \n- Weekly: Map wipes every Thursday at 11a
description_01 (PST)/7p(GMT). \n- BPs permanently unlocked \n- No teams or alliances, Solo Only! \n- In game chat c
description_02 ommands: /kit, /skin, !pop\n- Modded for custom monument and for custom map npcs (Lone.Design/RustMa
description_03 ps/Premium/DooMtheKlowN) \n- Roaming biome specific custom NPCs, and additional Custom Vendor at Out
description_04 post \n- [QoL mods/settings: TiersMode, Skinner 2.0, BuildGrades, BuildingWorkBench, CustomBradleyNp
description_05 cs] \n- [Silo Wipe event, Dynamic Pricing are disabled] \n- Seasonal Events(SantaSleigh/Xmas/Hallowe
description_06 en/Easter) and/or Dungeons may be enabled, except during Holiday months of April, October, and Decem
description_07 ber \n\n- Also try are other server Rustocracy | Main\n\n- Nightly restarts at 2am PST/10a GMT \n\n-
description_08 No racism, or activity that violates Steam, Facepunch, or EAC rules/terms of service \n- Stream Sni
description_09 ping is cheating and will result in permanent ban if proven!\n\n- Server affiliated with 1Mind Gamin
description_10 g Society Est. 2001 \n- ***Click button below for Discord invite***