ID 93733
Game Counter-Strike 1.6
Server name [RELAX~ARENA] | Пушки+Лазеры
Map de_dust2_2x2
Players 18/32
Bots 0
VAC True
Password False
Refresh 1 day ago
Tags c4 dm legit
Player's name Score Duration
SaVaGe_RuBy 10 1 hour
peopleRpoop 9 1 hour
The BiG SMUT 8 34 minutes
wiggles 8 24 minutes
Wigger Vampire 7 1 hour
SuperWaffle 7 27 minutes
alldritc 7 1 hour
kaosbob 7 1 hour
MeRCeNaRy 7 1 hour
Joe 6 34 minutes
pyr0` 5 2 hours
BorHor 5 1 hour
bobjones 4 36 minutes
RAGE OF THE BOY 4 34 minutes
Texas 3 1 hour
bob 3 36 minutes
DevilScream 3 1 hour
Twinner 2 22 minutes
Rule key Value
0 mp_hostage_hurtable
1 mp_fraglimit
2 mp_forcerespawn
3 max_queries_sec
5 mp_consistency
m lasermine_health
p lasermine_flags_vip
15 lasermine_flags_change_angle
100 lasermine_scanner_cost
250 lasermine_delay_set
500 lasermine_discount_goldvip
800 lasermine_cylinder_cost
aes 0.5.9 [REAPI]
1000 mapm_version
1200 lasermine_upgrade_by_touch
coop 0.0
esp_rbs 20.06.06
bot_stop 0.0
bot_walk 0.0
bot_debug 0.0
bot_quota 0.0
admin_mode 20.06.06
bot_zombie 0.0
deathmatch 1.0
amx_nextmap de_dust4ever
auw_version 0.1.0b
bot_chatter off
gamecms_api 5.6.3
amx_language ru
bot_nav_edit 0.0
bot_show_nav 0.0
csstatsx_sql 0.7.4+2fix
edgefriction 2.0
bot_join_team any
bot_nav_zdraw 4.0
bot_quicksave 0.0
bot_traceview 0.0
CRXChatManager 4.8
CRXKnifeModels 3.1.1
bot_deathmatch 1.0
bot_difficulty 0.0
bot_join_delay 0.0
bot_profile_db BotProfile.db
bot_quota_mode fill
decalfrequency 60.0
laser_buy_cost 800.0
CRXCMToggleChat 4.1
aes_track_pause 0.0
amxmodx_version 1.9.0-dev+5210
bot_auto_vacate 1.0
bot_show_danger 0.0
cost_fire_mines 500.0
aes_bonus_enable 1.0
allow_spectators 1.0
bot_allow_rifles 1.0
bot_allow_rogues 1.0
bot_allow_shield 1.0
cost_frost_mines 500.0
humans_join_team any
bot_allow_pistols 1.0
bot_allow_snipers 1.0
cost_poison_mines 800.0
lasernfinite_ammo mage
bot_allow_grenades 1.0
bot_allow_shotguns 1.0
bot_defer_to_human 0.0
cost_lighting_mines 1000.0
cost_standart_mines 500.0
amx_client_languages 0.0
ChatAdditions_version v1.9.2
bot_join_after_player 1.0
bot_allow_machine_guns 1.0
laser_beams_angle_speed 0.5
laser_beams_angles_list 5, 10, 15, 30, 45
cost_hallucination_mines 500.0
ff_damage_reduction_other 0.35
bot_allow_sub_machine_guns 1.0
ff_damage_reduction_bullets 0.35
ff_damage_reduction_grenade 0.25
ff_damage_reduction_grenade_self 1.0