ID 957261
Game Rust
Server name [EU East] Facepunch Large
Mod Rust
Map Procedural Map
Players 107/144
Bots 0
VAC True
Password False
Refresh 2 hours ago
Tags legit
Player's name Score Duration
britni 0 9 hours
keva 0 9 hours
ailene 0 9 hours
herb 0 9 hours
latrice 0 9 hours
angie 0 9 hours
yadira 0 9 hours
malcom 0 9 hours
damon 0 9 hours
fairy 0 8 hours
berry 0 8 hours
greta 0 8 hours
bari 0 8 hours
leonila 0 8 hours
vania 0 8 hours
carmon 0 8 hours
frances 0 7 hours
ronna 0 7 hours
gilma 0 7 hours
kathlene 0 7 hours
tawny 0 7 hours
mia 0 7 hours
blossom 0 7 hours
herma 0 6 hours
forrest 0 6 hours
lanora 0 6 hours
carl 0 6 hours
randi 0 6 hours
estelle 0 6 hours
cathie 0 6 hours
candi 0 5 hours
olympia 0 5 hours
chad 0 5 hours
lyman 0 5 hours
claribel 0 5 hours
lavona 0 5 hours
danyelle 0 4 hours
roxie 0 4 hours
elida 0 4 hours
flo 0 4 hours
bridget 0 3 hours
ula 0 3 hours
lourdes 0 3 hours
hyon 0 3 hours
jann 0 3 hours
eric 0 3 hours
marylynn 0 3 hours
vernell 0 3 hours
billy 0 3 hours
reita 0 3 hours
rosio 0 3 hours
emily 0 2 hours
valeri 0 2 hours
racquel 0 2 hours
tawny 0 2 hours
eleonor 0 2 hours
kiersten 0 2 hours
louie 0 2 hours
tonette 0 2 hours
karol 0 2 hours
coy 0 2 hours
romaine 0 2 hours
mildred 0 2 hours
johnette 0 2 hours
euna 0 2 hours
tamar 0 2 hours
sarina 0 2 hours
devon 0 2 hours
jesus 0 2 hours
blanca 0 2 hours
yuk 0 1 hour
terri 0 1 hour
lindsy 0 1 hour
julius 0 1 hour
fatimah 0 1 hour
laurel 0 1 hour
imogene 0 1 hour
jannette 0 1 hour
dione 0 1 hour
trisha 0 1 hour
mitchel 0 1 hour
otis 0 1 hour
aretha 0 1 hour
napoleon 0 1 hour
mistie 0 1 hour
tommye 0 1 hour
karry 0 1 hour
kiera 0 58 minutes
sid 0 50 minutes
lo 0 just now
0 just now
0 just now
0 just now
0 just now
0 just now
0 just now
0 just now
0 just now
0 just now
0 just now
0 just now
0 just now
0 just now
0 just now
0 just now
0 just now
0 just now
Rule key Value
fps 66.0
gmn rust
gmt Survival
pve False
hash a2d81946
build 117366.0
gc_cl 218.0
gc_mb 5850.0
world 5000.0
status stok
uptime 35023.0
ent_cnt 276898.0
fps_avg 90.4
ram_sys 0.0
favendpoint new eu east
description_00 This is an official server owned and operated by Facepunch. \n \n People are free to speak whatever
description_01 language they like. Don't be surprised if you get banned for being abusive.